Free Painting Estimate Information

Looking to paint walls, ceilings, trim, cabinetry, & doors? Get your Free Painting Estimate right here so you can plan your project with confidence.

Before you sign up for a Free Painting Estimate, here are a few things to know about us:

  • For the most accurate painting estimate, we prefer to visit with you and discuss your ideas to get a real feel for the surfaces that need refinishing.
  • In general, we also like to see the job site size in person. That way, we can give you a much more accurate estimate.
  • Normally, we do not often answer our phones as we are generally on a ladder or helping another client.
  • We can schedule painting estimates at other times with a little more planning; we don’t want to be the thing that slows you down.
  • Painting estimates generally take about 15 to 30 minutes to complete, depending on the size of the project.

Things to make scheduling an estimate as easy as possible.

  • Pick a couple of dates and times, fill out the form below, and we will contact you back within 24-48 hours to confirm we can be there.
  • If we cannot make your scheduled time, we will contact you to arrange another time.
  • The easiest time for us to schedule estimates is over the lunch hour or generally 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm, M – Th.
  • Unless your email address is wrong, we will not call you.
  • Generally, we communicate through email – on ladders gets hard to awnser the phone.
  • You can also call us and leave a message with the same information as stated below. We will call you back to confirm a time.

We do not share any data with anyone, ever!

Still not sure? Check out our reviews on Google.

Free Painting Estimate Request
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